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Everyone can be a Bank 

Blockchain credit network from the pioneers of social lending


As a Lender, you have the opportunity to invest funds in various types of credit liquidity pools, each offering its own terms.
Borrowers can obtain loans on competitive terms thanks to an innovative blockchain-based credit scoring system.
Affiliates can establish their own credit unions to collaboratively finance loans and manage risks.

Webtransfer not only supports collateral-based lending but also significantly expands its capabilities by integrating these financial mechanisms within a social network framework. Such integration allows for the creation of a governance model based on broad participation, where community members actively participate in decision-making through voting and receive support from insurance pools in the form of insured loans.

These capabilities distinguish Webtransfer in the DeFi space, where direct peer-to-peer (P2P) interaction without intermediaries is still rare. This approach not only increases the efficiency of risk management through the diversification of lending options but also promotes more active community involvement in management, making Webtransfer a pioneer in combining social interaction with financial technologies.

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