Credit Liquidity Pools
Webtransfer 去中心化信用网络的核心是信用流动性池——智能合约,汇集参与者提供的加密货币资金来为 P2P 贷款提供资金。池子接受的抵押品类型和相关风险级别各不相同:
- 安全池: 贷款以加密货币、稳定币、NFT 和其他数字资产为抵押品发放。较低的风险水平和利率使这些资金池对寻求更稳定和安全投资的债权人更具吸引力。
- 无担保池: 贷款是根据参与者的社会信用评分发放的,无需有形抵押。风险的增加伴随着更高的利率,这可以为愿意承担这种风险的债权人提供更高的回报。
- 混合池: 具有不同风险和回报率的担保和无担保贷款的组合。混合池允许参与者在单一池内实现投资多元化,在风险和潜在利润之间取得平衡。
Participants in the credit pool receive interest from the loans issued, proportional to their contributed share of liquidity.
Mechanism for Pool Yield Formation
The profitability of credit liquidity pools inWebtransfer is determined by the dynamics of supply and demand on the platform. Interest rates on loans are adjusted in real time, reflecting the current balance between borrower needs and creditor willingness to provide funds. This creates a natural regulation mechanism that promotes optimal resource allocation and provides competitive conditions for all network participants.
These mechanisms ensure that the credit liquidity pools inWebtransfer not only serve as an effective tool for financing loans but also provide participants with flexible opportunities for investing and earning income.