

2006年,Webtransfer 其业务始于全球汇款服务,在伦敦、莫斯科、迈阿密、纽约、上海、开普敦、孟买和新加坡设有办事处,在全球范围内提供服务。 2013 年,在这项国际业务的基础上,Webtransfer 推出了一个总部位于迈阿密的社会信用网络,并得到纽约 Webtransfer Corp 和英国 Webtransfer Europe Ltd 的支持,后者持有 FCA 汇款许可证,巩固了其作为领先者的地位。全球社会贷款中心。

2013 年,Webtransfer 推出了革命性平台 任何社交网络用户,例如 Facebook、Twitter、Google、VK 等都可以参与。该平台允许注册用户借贷金额为 50 至 1,000 美元,期限为 3 至 30 天,并由贷方利润形成的担保基金提供支持,确保他们的投资回报。


截至 2015 年 5 月,该网络已近500万参与者 来自不同国家的日交易量超过4500万美元,呈现爆发式增长,也证实了该公司提供的P2P借贷模式的有效性。

2015年,Webtransfer取得突破,推出网络转账 VISA 借记卡。这一举措在全球尚属首例,允许参与者即时相互转账,并直接以卡对卡的方式发放和接收贷款,无需为个人账户充值。这一创新解决方案显着增加了参与者数量和信贷交易量,巩固了 Webtransfer 的地位并凸显了其在金融科技发展中的作用。


Webtransfer 历史上的一个重要里程碑凸显了其作为金融科技先驱的角色。在像 Binance 这样的主要加密货币交易所变得众所周知之前,Webtransfer 通过创建第一个非托管 P2P 交易所 对于电子货币,包括当时新兴的加密货币。该平台配备了交易保障系统,这不仅具有创新性,而且对于想要使用电子货币的参与者来说也是一个安全的工具。

凭借其先进的功能,Webtransfer P2P交易所受到了用户的广泛欢迎,不仅让他们从汇率中获利,还为数字金融新时代的发展做出了贡献。许多参与者仍然记得它是一个重要且可靠的赚钱工具,进一步强调了Webtransfer在加密货币市场发展早期阶段的创新精神和领导力。


Following this, Webtransfer entered a period of rethinking its strategy and exploring new paths for development. The team tirelessly worked on innovations and studied alternative ways to fulfill its mission of democratizing financial services.

During these years, Webtransfer actively explored technological trends and user needs, carefully analyzing the financial services market. The team came to understand that blockchain technology offers a unique opportunity to rethink financial operations, ensuring transparency, security, and accessibility of services.

Inspired by the potential of blockchain, Webtransfer made a bold decision to decentralize its social credit network and launch credit operations on the blockchain. This move aims to create a more open, secure, and accessible financial ecosystem with active user participation.

The transition to decentralization was a logical step in the development of Webtransfer, considering current trends in technology and finance. This strategic move opens up opportunities for the company to innovate and create new services. It is expected that the development of tools and services aimed at enhancing financial literacy and facilitating access to credit products will play a significant role in increasing user engagement and satisfaction.

Webtransfer’s development demonstrates an unwavering commitment to innovation and adaptation to a changing world, where every obstacle is seen as an opportunity for further growth and improvement.

In 2024, with plans to transition to a decentralized platform, Webtransfer aims to establish itself as a leader in the field of social mutual lending, using blockchain to ensure transparency and security of operations. This step is aimed at strengthening trust and expanding opportunities for users, highlighting the company’s commitment to creating a global community where financial support and interaction become even more accessible and reliable.

Webtransfer’s trajectory from a simple social credit network to a decentralized platform underscores its innovative spirit and commitment to improving the financial well-being and connectivity of the global community. The new services and opportunities provided by the updated project are expected to strengthen Webtransfer’s role as an innovator in the rapidly evolving landscape of social finance.


