შინაარსზე გადასვლა

Technological Infrastructure

Transaction and smart contract security is a top priority for Webtransfer. To ensure the reliable protection of user funds, modern cryptographic algorithms and security protocols will be utilized.

Technology Choice and Smart Contract Programming

Webtransfer has selected blockchain platformsSolana, TONand Polygon for the implementation of its smart contracts, considering their technological advantages and user accessibility.

  • Solana has been chosen for its high performance and low fees, making it ideal for scalable solutions. Smart contracts on Solana are developed in Rust and C, which ensure high performance and security.
  • TON (Telegram Open Network) is used for its unique integration with the Telegram messenger, allowing users to easily manage their assets through the well-known messenger application, utilizing FunC language for smart contracts.
  • Polygon supports our network due to its high performance and low transaction costs. Being compatible with Ethereum, it allows developers to use existing tools and the Ethereum ecosystem to create scalable and efficient applications.

Bridge for Cross-Network Interoperability

To enhance cross-network interaction and ensure seamless operational compatibility, we will develop a bridge that allows token and NFT holders to swiftly transfer their assets between different networks. This is particularly important for participants using multiple blockchain platforms. The presence of such a bridge will enable users to easily move assets, increasing the flexibility and accessibility of services within the global credit network Webtransfer.

Development and Testing of Smart Contracts

All Webtransfer smart contracts will be developed using best coding practices and will undergo multiple rounds of testing to identify bugs and vulnerabilities. Specialized tools and testing procedures adapted to the unique features of each platform will be employed.

Independent Audit and Bug Bounty Programs

In the near future, Webtransfer plans to engage one or more reputable blockchain security firms to conduct an independent audit of the smart contract source code. This will allow for a comprehensive check for potential vulnerabilities, errors, and bugs. Successful audit completion will confirm the high level of system security. A special budget is also planned for organizing bug bounty programs, designed to engage ethical hackers in finding and fixing vulnerabilities, with rewards based on the criticality of the issues found.

Webtransfer strives to adhere to industry best practices in security to ensure maximum protection of funds and confidential data of platform users.

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