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1. Introduction: From Centralization to Decentralization

Webtransfer is one of the first and largest social lending platforms, which had up to 10 million participants worldwide from 2013 to 2017. Initially operating on a centralized model using VISA debit cards for P2P lending, the platform faced limitations such as a lack of transparency and high dependence on intermediaries.

In response to these challenges, Webtransfer made the decision to transform into a decentralized platform based on blockchain technologies and smart contracts. This eliminates the need for centralized intermediaries and improves the security, transparency, and resilience of the platform.

A feature of the new model is the introduction of credit unions, which allow participants to come together for collective funding and risk management. These unions form the very decentralized network of Webtransfer, providing participants access to a wide range of lending opportunities, as well as the issuance of debit and credit cards.

Webtransfer plans to integrate innovative DeFi tools, including liquidity credit pools and credit certificates — non-fungible tokens (NFTs), to create a unique model of P2P lending. This model combines social connections with cutting-edge financial instruments, making the lending process more accessible, secure, and profitable for all participants.

Goals and Objectives of the Project

The main goal of Webtransfer is to improve the accessibility of financial services worldwide, especially for those who are outside the reach of traditional banking systems. Our target audience is people who do not have access to traditional banking services, as well as those looking for alternative, more transparent, and profitable lending and investment options.

The project sets the following key tasks:

Democratization of finance: lowering the entry threshold for small investors and borrowers, facilitating access to loans and investment opportunities regardless of location, social status, and other factors.

Creating a safe and transparent ecosystem: using blockchain technology and open protocols to ensure maximum transaction security, data immutability, and transparency in interactions between participants.

– Social integration and mutual aid: promoting the creation of strong social bonds among users based on common financial interests; stimulating a culture of mutual help, support, and collaboration in addressing financial issues.

Webtransfer aspires not only for financial innovations but also for positive social changes, making the world of lending more accessible, safe, fair, and inclusive for everyone, regardless of geography and status.

2. Market Overview and Competitive Landscape

In the field of decentralized finance (DeFi), there are several major projects offering solutions for cryptocurrency lending, such as Compound, MakerDAO, and Aave. These platforms focus on collateral-based lending, where loans are secured by other crypto assets, and use blockchain technology to automate transactions using smart contracts, ensuring transparency and security.

In contrast, Webtransfer not only supports similar collateral-based lending but also significantly expands its capabilities by integrating these financial mechanisms within a social network framework. Such integration allows for the creation of a governance model based on broad participation, where community members actively participate in decision-making through voting and receive support from insurance pools in the form of insured loans.

Credit unions play a key role in this process, allowing members to pool resources for financing loans within the community, making unsecured loans safer and more likely to be repaid, especially if the borrower is a member of the corresponding credit union. This unique combination supports a broader range of credit operations and fosters the development of a community-based approach to funding.

These capabilities distinguish Webtransfer in the DeFi space, where direct peer-to-peer (P2P) interaction without intermediaries is still rare. This approach not only increases the efficiency of risk management through the diversification of lending options but also promotes more active community involvement in management, making Webtransfer a pioneer in combining social interaction with financial technologies. This unique position may serve as a solid foundation for future growth and success of the project.

3. Types of P2P Loans

The maximum amount for a single loan within the Webtransfer network is capped at an equivalent of $1,000 USD, expressed in stablecoins such as USDT, USDC, and others supported by the platform. This limit has been set to minimize the risks to creditors, given the absence of traditional borrower verification. The maximum loan term is 30 days.

Webtransfer offers two main types of loans: secured and unsecured, with the possibility to choose additional conditions for each:

Secured Loans

These loans are issued against the collateral of cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, NFTs, and other digital assets. The collateral minimizes the risks for creditors and allows offering lower interest rates to borrowers. Depending on the terms, the collateral can exceed the loan amount by 150-200%. An example might be a situation where a borrower uses their crypto assets to obtain funding for business projects.

Prestiti non garantiti

These are issued based on the borrower’s social credit rating without physical collateral. These loans carry greater risk for creditors, which is reflected in higher interest rates. An example might be an education loan for a student with a high social rating.
More details about the social credit scoring system and its role in evaluating borrowers can be found in the section “Credit Scoring and Risk Management”.

Specialized Loan Types:

Secure Loans

This is a type of secured credit where, in addition to standard collateral, there is additional insurance from the insurance pool. This insurance pool is necessary to minimize risks in case the value of the collateral asset sharply decreases or if there are legal and operational issues in its realization. It also helps cover liquidation expenses and moral hazard. An example is financing a startup, where potential losses are partially covered by the insurance pool.

Direct Loans

Direct loans can be either secured or unsecured and do not involve additional insurance measures. These loans offer flexibility in choosing terms directly dependent on assessed risks. An example might be a short-term loan for purchasing and subsequent resale of goods for profit.

Interest rates on loans are formed based on a number of factors, including the type of loan, amount, term, borrower’s social credit rating, and current market conditions.

In summary, Webtransfer offers a limited number of basic types of loans, but each can be adapted to specific borrower needs and market conditions, ensuring the necessary variety and flexibility in financial operations.

4. Credit Liquidity Pools

At the heart of Webtransfer’s decentralized credit network lie credit liquidity pools — smart contracts that pool cryptocurrency funds provided by participants to finance P2P loans. Pools vary in the type of collateral accepted and the associated level of risk:

Secured pools: Loans are issued against the collateral of cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, NFTs, and other digital assets. The lower risk level and interest rates make these pools more attractive for creditors looking for more stable and secure investments.
Unsecured pools: Loans are issued based on the social credit scoring of participants without tangible collateral. The increased risk is accompanied by higher rates, which can offer higher returns for creditors willing to take on this risk.
Mixed pools: A combination of secured and unsecured loans with varying risk and return ratios. Mixed pools allow participants to diversify their investments within a single pool, balancing between risk and potential profit.

Participants in credit pools receive interest from loans issued, proportional to their share of liquidity contributed.

Mechanism of pool yield formation

The profitability of credit liquidity pools in Webtransfer is determined by the dynamics of supply and demand on the platform. Interest rates on loans are adjusted in real time, reflecting the current balance between borrower needs and creditor willingness to provide funds. This creates a natural regulation mechanism that promotes optimal resource allocation and provides competitive conditions for all network participants.

Participants have the opportunity to choose pools with different levels of risk and potential return, allowing them to individually tailor their investment portfolio according to their preferences and financial goals. Thus, participants are not only able to manage their investments but also actively influence their potential profit by choosing between more conservative or risky lending strategies.

Additionally, the platform provides tools and analytics to assess the current market situation, helping participants make informed decisions and optimize their return while managing risks.

These mechanisms ensure that the credit liquidity pools in Webtransfer not only serve as an effective tool for financing loans but also provide participants with flexible opportunities for investing and earning income.

5. Credit Certificates (LP NFT)

To represent shares in credit liquidity pools, credit certificates — non-fungible tokens (NFTs) linked to credit pools — are used. When funds are deposited into the credit pool smart contract, users receive these NFT certificates, which are minted upon deposit and burned upon withdrawal of funds. Each certificate is unique and provides its holder with a number of important rights and benefits:

– Confirmation of the liquidity share contributed ad uno specifico pool di crediti.

– The right to receive a portion of the interest income dai finanziamenti erogati dal pool, proporzionalmente alla liquidità conferita.

The ability to manage liquidity — adding or withdrawing funds from the pool at any time.

The ability to trade Credit Certificates tra tutti i titolari sul mercato secondario.

Extended Uses of Credit Certificates:

Beyond their basic functions, Credit Certificates (LP NFT tokens) offer Webtransfer participants broader opportunities for interaction within the platform’s ecosystem:

Use as collateral for obtaining loans: holders of credit certificates can use them as collateral to obtain loans within the platform. This allows participants to access additional financial resources while maintaining their share in the liquidity pools and the right to interest income.

Investments in specialized investment pools: credit certificates can be directed to specially created pools that offer various investment strategies or focus on specific market segments. This provides holders the opportunity to diversify their investments and participate in new financial projects.

Utilizzo come strumento per prestiti da parte di altri partecipanti: certificates can serve not only as collateral for the holders themselves but also be offered in pools where other participants can borrow against their own assets. This approach helps create additional demand for credit certificates and increases their liquidity on the platform.

These additional functions of credit certificates significantly expand their uses within the Webtransfer ecosystem, making them a multifunctional tool for managing personal finances, investing, and obtaining credit. They enable holders to actively participate in the platform’s economy, maximizing their investment benefits and providing new opportunities for growth and development across the ecosystem.

Thus, NFT Credit Certificates not only serve as a tokenized digital property right for a share in a credit pool and associated interest income streams but also ensure a high level of security and convenience in investment management. Trading these certificates on the secondary market enhances liquidity and provides additional opportunities for interaction and income for Webtransfer ecosystem participants.

6. Credit Scoring and Risk Management

Ogni partecipante alla rete Webtransfer ha un rating di credito sociale determinato in base alla cronologia delle interazioni, all'attività di credito, alle valutazioni e alle recensioni di altri utenti all'interno delle proprie connessioni sociali e della catena di fiducia.

Questo rating svolge un ruolo cruciale nell’emissione di prestiti non garantiti e nella definizione dei limiti, dei tassi di interesse e dei livelli di garanzia richiesti per ridurre al minimo i rischi.

Webtransfer si impegna a sviluppare e implementare un modello avanzato di credit scoring basato su un'analisi completa dei dati sociali, finanziari e comportamentali degli utenti. Il sistema utilizzerà modelli di punteggio multifattoriale con intelligenza artificiale e apprendimento automatico per valutare l’affidabilità creditizia in tempo reale.

Innovazioni in un contesto storico:

Webtransfer è stato il primo al mondo ad implementare il Metodo del DNA visivo to assess borrowers’ personality traits, using a test based on the “Big Five” model. Ciò ha consentito una comprensione più profonda delle motivazioni e delle preferenze degli utenti, migliorando la loro valutazione di affidabilità come mutuatari.

Aspetti chiave del punteggio:

– Social credit rating: ogni utente avrà una valutazione individuale formata in base alle sue interazioni nella rete, alla storia creditizia, alle recensioni e alle valutazioni di altri utenti.

– Comprehensive data analysis: Gli algoritmi di analisi prenderanno in considerazione un’ampia gamma di fattori, tra cui flussi finanziari, connessioni sociali, comportamento online, nonché dati macroeconomici e demografici.

– Adaptive lending conditions: le condizioni di prestito si adegueranno automaticamente in base alle variazioni del rating creditizio e della situazione finanziaria dei mutuatari.

Un ulteriore parametro di credit scoring: il rating del garante

Descrizione dei parametri:

Un ulteriore parametro di valutazione del merito creditizio è il numero di garanti all’interno della cooperativa di credito o della rete di partner del partecipante. Questo indicatore riflette il livello di fiducia di cui gode il partecipante tra gli altri partecipanti al sistema e la sua capacità di attrarre garanti.

Meccanismo di integrazione nel modello di punteggio di credito:

  1. Valutazione quantitativa dei garanti: ciascun garante aggiunge un certo numero di punti al rating del credito, a seconda della propria storia creditizia e del proprio rating. Nel rating vengono presi in considerazione anche i finanziamenti erogati, prevedendo l'attività di garante della rete creditizia.
  2. Verifica dei garanti: un sistema automatizzato verifica lo status e il background creditizio di ciascun garante per garantirne l'idoneità e la pertinenza. È fondamentale che i prestiti attivi di un garante non superino la durata della garanzia e servano da garanzia.
  3. Limiti e restrizioni: fissando un numero massimo di garanti che possano influenzare lo scoring per evitare distorsioni dei dati.
  4. Aggiornamento della valutazione dinamica: aggiornamenti periodici del rating in base alle variazioni nella composizione dei garanti e nel loro rating creditizio. Se un garante ha rimborsato i prestiti emessi e ritirato denaro dal pool di crediti, il rating del mutuatario dovrebbe cambiare. Durante il periodo di garanzia, il garante non può ritirare l'importo equivalente alla garanzia collaterale.

L’introduzione della garanzia rafforza la fiducia reciproca e favorisce la creazione di un contesto creditizio più stabile, migliorando l’affidabilità creditizia e l’accesso a migliori condizioni di prestito. Tuttavia, esiste il rischio di collusione e abuso, che richiede rigorose procedure di audit e controllo per preservare l’integrità del sistema creditizio.

Miglioramento continuo:

L’implementazione attiva dei metodi di intelligenza artificiale sulla piattaforma Webtransfer migliora i sistemi di credit scoring. L’utilizzo del feedback e l’analisi del comportamento degli utenti contribuiranno a migliorare l’accuratezza e l’equità delle condizioni di prestito, riducendo i rischi finanziari e rafforzando la fiducia e la lealtà tra gli utenti.

Questo approccio non solo aumenta l’efficienza del sistema creditizio, ma rafforza anche i principi di fiducia e mutuo aiuto all’interno della rete di crediti decentralizzata Webtransfer, promuovendo la creazione di condizioni finanziarie più giuste e sicure per tutti i partecipanti.

7. Webtransfer Insurance Pool

To ensure reliable protection of loans and stability of credit operations in the Webtransfer network, a decentralized insurance pool is functioning. This mechanism accumulates funds through a portion of fees charged on operations with secured loans, voluntary contributions from participants of the ecosystem, as well as investment activities of the pool itself.

Depending on the chosen level of insurance, a certain percentage of the interest earned is directed to the insurance pool to cover losses in case of borrower default.

Webtransfer offers two levels of insurance:

Full insurance (25%): when a loan is successfully repaid, 25% of the interest earned is directed to the insurance pool. This level of insurance guarantees full compensation for losses in case the borrower fails to repay the loan.

Partial insurance (10%): when a loan is successfully repaid, 10% of the interest earned is directed to the insurance pool. This level of insurance provides compensation for 75% of losses in case the borrower fails to repay the loan.

The maximum amount of insurance paid per loan is capped at $1,000, which matches the maximum size of a single loan. Interest on the loan is not covered by the insurance pool.

In the event that a borrower is unable to repay the debt (default), the creditor’s losses are compensated from the insurance pool funds. Compensation occurs through the redemption of credit certificates secured by the issued loan, with an addition of 5% annual interest to the amount of the unredeemed debt.

Thus, even in the event of a total default by the borrower, the creditor’s losses are fully compensated by the insurance pool and the subsequent realization of the collateral.

Transparency and accessibility of information about the size and composition of the pool are ensured through blockchain technology, allowing all network participants to track the state of the insurance pool in real time.

Distribution of funds and dividends

The Webtransfer insurance pool plays a key role in the financial stability of the network, accumulating funds through commissions from insured loans and investment activity. At the end of each calendar year, half of the accumulated funds in the pool are distributed among WEB token holders as dividends, while the remaining 50% are reinvested to increase the size of the pool and maintain its long-term stability.

Example of distribution:

2024: The pool accumulated $1 million USD. Of this, $500,000 USD is distributed as dividends among WEB holders, and $500,000 USD remains in the pool for its expansion.

2025: The pool collects an additional $1 million USD, increasing the total funds to $1.5 million USD. Of this amount, $750,000 USD is distributed among WEB holders, and the remaining $750,000 USD continues to augment the pool.

Thus, the Webtransfer insurance pool plays a key role in ensuring the security and stability of the platform. It not only protects the interests of creditors but also creates favorable conditions for WEB token holders, encouraging their active participation in the development of the ecosystem and contributing to its long-term success.

Diversification and investment

As part of the strategy to enhance system resilience and minimize risks, the insurance pool is continuously diversified. This is achieved by including a variety of instruments and assets that help reduce the overall risk of the pool. Funds from the insurance pool are invested in different asset classes, including stablecoins, government bonds, low-risk DeFi projects, and governance tokens of other protocols. Thus, even in the event of mass defaults, the pool can provide compensation for creditors’ losses.

Decentralized management

Management of the insurance pool is conducted by WEB token holders through decentralized governance mechanisms. WEB token holders can vote on key issues regarding the management of the insurance pool using a decentralized governance platform. This includes selecting assets for investment, changing insurance levels and compensation rules, and making decisions on payouts in complex cases. This approach not only promotes the democratization of the management process but also enhances participants’ trust in the insurance mechanism, making it transparent and predictable.

8. Credit Unions in Webtransfer

Credit unions in Webtransfer represent dynamic networks of partner organizations that create joint liquidity pools for mutual loan financing.

These unions span various countries, regions, and cities, and can also be formed around common interests, providing not only financial support to their members but also fostering the development of local economic initiatives through decentralized management and collective lending.

Le cooperative di credito sono create, possedute e gestite dai loro membri, che possono includere sia gruppi informali previo accordo che persone giuridiche, in genere organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro. L’esenzione dall’imposta sul reddito delle società sui ricavi delle cooperative di credito senza scopo di lucro legalmente registrate rappresenta un vantaggio significativo. Ciò facilita una ridistribuzione più efficace delle risorse all’interno del sindacato e fornisce ulteriori incentivi per lo sviluppo e l’espansione delle opportunità di credito dei membri del sindacato.

Le persone giuridiche all'interno delle cooperative di credito possono emettere carte di debito e di credito per i propri membri. Queste carte possono supportare sia fondi fiat che criptovaluta, fornendo ai membri del sindacato uno strumento comodo e flessibile per gestire le proprie finanze.

Inoltre, le cooperative di credito possono essere organizzate sotto forma di DAO (Organizzazione Autonoma Decentralizzata), che offre ulteriori vantaggi come l’automazione della gestione e delle operazioni, la riduzione dei costi operativi e una maggiore trasparenza nel processo decisionale. Una DAO opera sulla base di contratti intelligenti blockchain, garantendo un sistema di gestione affidabile e a prova di manomissione in cui ogni azione o cambiamento nella struttura richiede l’approvazione della maggioranza dei partecipanti.

Partecipazione alle cooperative di credito

Coloro che desiderano aderire ad una cooperativa di credito esistente o creare una nuova associazione possono iniziare con sindacati attivi nella propria regione o area di interesse. Ciò costituisce un primo passo per influenzare attivamente lo sviluppo economico della comunità e ottenere il sostegno di individui che la pensano allo stesso modo.

Avanzare il decentramento profondo

Webtransfer si sta muovendo verso la completa autonomia e autorganizzazione, evidenziando l'assenza di ruoli manageriali centralizzati, come amministratori o manager. La piattaforma serve semplicemente come base per le operazioni di credito, dove ogni partecipante o struttura è libera di creare autonomamente siti web e aziende pur mantenendo una connessione con la vasta rete creditizia. Ciò garantisce l’integrazione della rete basata sulla cooperazione e sul mutuo aiuto, promuovendo la crescita e lo sviluppo della comunità.

Questo modello di decentralizzazione consente a ciascun partecipante di essere un iniziatore del cambiamento, favorendo la democratizzazione delle interazioni finanziarie e rafforzando la stabilità finanziaria attraverso sforzi collettivi.

9. Webtransfer Affiliate Program

Webtransfer values the contributions of every member of our community and especially recognizes the importance of those who have helped spread knowledge about our service in the past. Many of our loyal partners have actively participated in educating the community, creating educational materials and running blogs or YouTube channels. These materials have significantly eased the process for new users to understand and utilize our platform for lending.

As part of the new decentralized social credit network, Webtransfer aims to revive and enhance this network of interactions. We are pleased to announce the launch of an updated affiliate program that will provide unique incentives and resources to both old and new partners.

Partner Preferences Include:

Rewarding with WEB tokens: partners actively promoting Webtransfer and attracting new users will be rewarded with WEB tokens. These tokens can be used for participating in platform governance or exchanged for other cryptocurrencies.

Bonuses for forming large pools: partners who form significant credit pools through their affiliate networks will receive special bonuses in the form of additional tokens or improved conditions for their pools.

Access to special tools and resources: providing partners with access to marketing and educational resources that will help them more effectively conduct their activities and attract more users.

Role of Partners in Forming Credit Unions:

Partners who attract new participants through their affiliate link and create an affiliate network are essentially forming a credit union. These unions act as a foundation for expanding the Webtransfer network, strengthening the community, and increasing credit opportunities.

History of Success and the Role of Partners:

It is noteworthy that Webtransfer’s early success required no investment in traditional advertising thanks to the active support of our partners. Their efforts stimulated organic growth and expansion of our community. In recognition of these contributions, we aim to enhance our support for our partners by providing them with all the necessary resources to continue developing and expanding our community.

This program is designed not only to reward our partners but also to ensure sustainable growth and expansion of our community. We believe that the active involvement of experienced participants in promoting our platform is key to creating a strong and transparent decentralized financial system.

10. Management with the WEB Token

The WEB token plays a central role in the Webtransfer ecosystem, performing key functions in the management of the protocol and its development. Holders of WEB have a voice in deciding key issues related to the development of the platform, including making changes to the protocol, updates, and adding new liquidity pools.

The distribution of the WEB token occurs through mechanisms of credit mining and staking in credit pools, as well as other rewards for active network participation. The voting process is decentralized, allowing each participant to influence decision-making proportionally to their share of WEB tokens.

Distribuzione del token WEB

I nuovi token WEB vengono distribuiti attraverso due meccanismi principali:

  1. Estrazione del credito – participants of the platform receive rewards in WEB for issuing loans through the Webtransfer protocol. A larger volume of issued loans results in more tokens.
  2. Staking in credit pools – holders of other cryptocurrencies can earn WEB by locking their assets in special Webtransfer liquidity pools and providing them for loan financing.

Inoltre, i token vengono periodicamente distribuiti tra i partecipanti alla rete più attivi come ricompensa per aver contribuito allo sviluppo della comunità.

Opportunità di partecipazione alla governance

I titolari WEB hanno l'opportunità di influenzare direttamente lo sviluppo del protocollo Webtransfer attraverso meccanismi di voto decentralizzati, tra cui:

Protocol updates – holders can vote for or against changes to the Webtransfer base code.

Adding new liquidity pools – votes are conducted to include new cryptocurrencies and tokens in the platform’s liquidity pools.

Changing protocol parameters – changing rates, limits, collateral requirements, and other key settings.

Strategic decisions – votes on partnerships, roadmaps, token issuance, and other important issues.

Il processo di voto è completamente decentralizzato, con ciascun titolare WEB che ha un numero di voti proporzionale alla propria quota di token. Le decisioni vengono prese sulla base del consenso della comunità dei possessori di token.

Thus, WEB not only stimulates participation in the Webtransfer credit system but also gives holders direct control over the present and future development of the protocol.

11. Technological Infrastructure

La sicurezza delle transazioni e dei contratti intelligenti è una priorità assoluta per Webtransfer. Per garantire una protezione affidabile dei fondi degli utenti, verranno utilizzati moderni algoritmi crittografici e protocolli di sicurezza.

Scelta della tecnologia e programmazione del contratto intelligente

Webtransfer ha selezionato piattaforme blockchain Solana, TON E Poligono per l’implementazione dei suoi contratti intelligenti, considerando i loro vantaggi tecnologici e l’accessibilità per gli utenti.

  • Solana è stato scelto per le sue elevate prestazioni e le tariffe basse, che lo rendono ideale per soluzioni scalabili. I contratti intelligenti su Solana sono sviluppati in Rust e C, che garantiscono elevate prestazioni e sicurezza.
  • TON (rete aperta di Telegram) viene utilizzato per la sua integrazione unica con il messenger Telegram, consentendo agli utenti di gestire facilmente le proprie risorse attraverso la nota applicazione di messaggistica, utilizzando il linguaggio FunC per i contratti intelligenti.
  • Poligono supporta la nostra rete grazie alle sue elevate prestazioni e ai bassi costi di transazione. Essendo compatibile con Ethereum, consente agli sviluppatori di utilizzare gli strumenti esistenti e l'ecosistema Ethereum per creare applicazioni scalabili ed efficienti.
Bridge per l'interoperabilità tra reti

Per migliorare l’interazione tra reti e garantire una perfetta compatibilità operativa, svilupperemo un ponte che consentirà ai possessori di token e NFT di trasferire rapidamente le proprie risorse tra reti diverse. Ciò è particolarmente importante per i partecipanti che utilizzano più piattaforme blockchain. La presenza di un tale ponte consentirà agli utenti di spostare facilmente i beni, aumentando la flessibilità e l'accessibilità dei servizi all'interno della rete di credito globale Webtransfer.

Sviluppo e test di contratti intelligenti

Tutti i contratti intelligenti Webtransfer saranno sviluppati utilizzando le migliori pratiche di codifica e saranno sottoposti a più cicli di test per identificare bug e vulnerabilità. Verranno utilizzati strumenti specializzati e procedure di test adattate alle caratteristiche uniche di ciascuna piattaforma.

Programmi di controllo indipendente e Bug Bounty

Nel prossimo futuro, Webtransfer prevede di coinvolgere una o più rinomate società di sicurezza blockchain per condurre un audit indipendente del codice sorgente del contratto intelligente. Ciò consentirà un controllo completo di potenziali vulnerabilità, errori e bug. Il completamento positivo dell'audit confermerà l'elevato livello di sicurezza del sistema. È inoltre previsto un budget speciale per l’organizzazione di programmi bug bounty, pensati per coinvolgere gli hacker etici nella ricerca e correzione delle vulnerabilità, con ricompense basate sulla criticità delle problematiche riscontrate.

Webtransfer si impegna ad aderire alle migliori pratiche del settore in materia di sicurezza per garantire la massima protezione dei fondi e dei dati riservati degli utenti della piattaforma.

12. Webtransfer Roadmap

Webtransfer è impegnata nello sviluppo e nell'innovazione continui nel campo del prestito sociale decentralizzato. La nostra tabella di marcia si concentra sul miglioramento dell'esperienza utente, sull'espansione delle funzionalità della piattaforma e sull'integrazione con gli elementi chiave dell'ecosistema crittografico.


Q3-Q4 (Priorità):

– Launch of credit liquidity pools for investors and borrowers.

– Implementation of advanced social credit scoring features for more accurate risk assessment.

– Development and launch of an educational program for new users on the basics of cryptocurrencies and P2P lending.


– Integration with leading DEXs and CEXs (Binance, Coinbase, Uniswap) to increase WEB token liquidity.

– Implementation of decentralized insurance mechanisms to protect loans.

– Expansion of WEB token functionality, including participation in special staking and reward programs.



– Launch of the Webtransfer mobile app, simplifying access to platform services.

– Launch of a loyalty program for active users and lenders.

– Development of tools for integration with global financial services and payment systems.


– Implementation of innovative risk management tools based on artificial intelligence.

– Organization of an international hackathon for developers to create new DeFi solutions based on Webtransfer.


– Expansion of the partner network with other DeFi and blockchain projects.

– Launch of cross-chain functionality to ensure compatibility of WEB with other blockchains.

Prospettiva a lungo termine

– Development of the international Webtransfer ecosystem to support global P2P loans.

– Development of the proprietary Webtransfer blockchain for maximum scalability and security of the platform.

– Cooperation with government and international financial regulators to create a favorable legal environment for the development of DeFi and P2P lending.

Integrazione e supporto alle cooperative di credito

Strengthening of credit unions: Webtransfer prevede un ulteriore sviluppo e supporto per le cooperative di credito, migliorando la loro capacità di gestione del rischio e la capacità di prestito. Ciò include l’introduzione di nuovi strumenti per la gestione del rischio e l’analisi dei dati, che consentiranno ai sindacati di distribuire in modo più efficace le risorse creditizie e sostenere lo sviluppo economico locale.

Expansion of credit union functionality: As part of the goal for global integration and development, features will be introduced that allow credit unions to operate internationally, providing support not only in fiat but also in cryptocurrency operations. This will enhance opportunities for cross-border financing and interaction with international financial platforms.

Webtransfer esplora continuamente nuove opportunità e tecnologie per migliorare i propri servizi ed espandere la propria presenza nel mondo della finanza decentralizzata. Invitiamo tutte le parti interessate a unirsi a noi in questo viaggio e contribuire alla creazione del futuro della finanza.

13. Risk Warning

Avvertimento! Investire in Webtransfer comporta dei rischi.

Before investing in Webtransfer and related projects, please carefully review the following information:

Investire in progetti di criptovaluta, incluso Webtransfer, comporta rischi elevati. Anche se i prestiti emessi possono essere assicurati da un pool assicurativo, è impossibile eliminare completamente il rischio di perdita dell'investimento.

I possibili rischi includono, ma non sono limitati a:

  • Hacking degli indirizzi: Nonostante le misure di sicurezza, gli hacker possono accedere agli indirizzi Webtransfer e rubare fondi.
  • Errori contrattuali: Errors in the code of Webtransfer’s smart contracts could lead to loss of funds.
  • Circostanze impreviste:
    • Rischi di mercato: Il mercato delle criptovalute è altamente volatile e soggetto a cambiamenti imprevisti, che possono avere un impatto negativo sul valore dei tuoi investimenti.
    •  Rischi operativi: Esiste il rischio di errori, sviste o altre azioni impreviste da parte degli sviluppatori, del team di progetto e di altre parti responsabili del Webtransfer.
  • Fraud: There is a risk of encountering fraudulent schemes disguised as legitimate projects.
  • Inadempimento del pool assicurativo: Nonostante l'assicurazione, se le riserve non sono sufficienti a coprire tutti i sinistri sussiste il pericolo che il pool assicurativo vada in fallimento.

Eventuali dichiarazioni rilasciate da Webtransfer o dai suoi rappresentanti non devono essere considerate come una garanzia della sicurezza dell'investimento.

Webtransfer non è responsabile per eventuali perdite subite a seguito dell'investimento nel progetto.

Hai la piena responsabilità di prendere decisioni di investimento e di comprendere tutti i rischi associati.

Prima di prendere una decisione di investimento, ti consigliamo vivamente di:

  • Conduci la tua ricerca: Studia Webtransfer, il suo team, la tecnologia e il modello di business.
  • Consulta un consulente finanziario: Ottieni una valutazione professionale dei rischi e dei potenziali rendimenti dell'investimento.
  • Investi solo ciò che puoi permetterti di perdere: Non investire il denaro necessario per le spese correnti o per il rimborso del debito.

Ricorda, investire in criptovalute è un’attività ad alto rischio. Sii cauto e prendi decisioni informate.

14. Conclusion

The decentralized social credit network Webtransfer represents an innovative solution in the field of P2P lending, combining the advantages of social connections and trust with advanced blockchain technologies, smart contracts, and decentralized finance. Unlike many existing DeFi protocols, Webtransfer is not only geared towards experienced crypto investors but also towards ordinary people striving for financial inclusivity.

Credit unions in our network play a key role as they not only strengthen the financial stability of their members but also promote the development of economic initiatives at the local level. The introduction of credit unions will help achieve the project’s goals by providing access to a broader and more diverse range of credit opportunities and supporting the principles of decentralization and self-management. This fosters the creation of a strong and mutually beneficial ecosystem, strengthening the community and ensuring its sustainable development.

Using the concept of liquidity pools and unique NFT credit certificates, Webtransfer provides a transparent and fair mechanism for financing P2P loans without intermediaries. The integration of social credit scoring systems and risk management allows for the issuance of both secured and unsecured loans with various levels of profitability and risk.

Currently, active work is underway on the development and testing of key smart contracts that form the basis of Webtransfer. After completing this important stage, the platform will be ready for public launch. Decentralized governance through the WEB token ensures that the development of the Webtransfer ecosystem will directly depend on its participants, who act on principles of openness and equal opportunity. The introduction of an insurance pool to protect loans underscores the commitment to the safety of funds and the protection of all participants in the credit process.

At the intersection of social networks, the crypto industry, and DeFi, Webtransfer offers unique financial opportunities and interactions for its users. The elimination of intermediaries, fair access to capital, and innovative credit tools usher in a new era in P2P lending, based on trust, transparency, and collective management.

The Webtransfer roadmap envisages further integration with leading blockchain wallets, decentralized exchanges, and other DeFi protocols, which will ensure seamless interaction with the crypto ecosystem and mark another step towards complete financial decentralization and inclusivity.

We invite everyone passionate about creating a fairer and more inclusive financial system to stay tuned for further announcements about the public launch of Webtransfer. After the launch, you will be able to register, purchase WEB tokens, and participate in managing the platform through votes on key ecosystem development issues.

Webtransfer: where everyone is a bank!


Changes and Updates

Webtransfer reserves the right to make changes and updates to this white paper at any time without prior notice. These changes may be aimed at improving, supplementing, or adapting the content in line with technical progress, user feedback, changes in regulatory requirements, or other factors affecting the platform’s operation. Users are advised to regularly review the white paper to stay informed of the latest updates and changes.

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